High quality and innovation!

Since 2013 creating innovative and easy to use products

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Distributors and Retailers

We are in more than

3 thousand selling places all over Brazil

Our specialists develop products thinking of solutions that make your day easier!

We are a modern and innovative industry based in Londrina, a city located in Southern Brazil.

We’re here to bring a high level of quality and innovation manufacturing accessories and hardware for doors and windows.

Today we have customers all over Brazil and some Southern America countries and the United States.

Our main goal is to develop products that are easier to use and help with your daily activities. To achieve that we have a staff of qualified specialists who are constantly improving and keeping up with the latest trends in the field of technology.

Our products

We are in more than

3 thousand selling places all over Brazil

Easy to use!

Do it Yourself

Easy to use!

Do it Yourself


Our products are efficients, innovative and reliable, making it a great choice for all kinds of customers and markets. We work with different models of door and window seals, to better meet all needs.

Our products are sophisticated, innovative and reliable, making it a great choice for all kinds of customers and markets. We work with different models of door and window seals, to better meet your needs.

Door Stoppers

Intended for residential and commercial use, our line of Door Stoppers has modern, exclusive and discrete design.

We offer a comfortable solution for holding your door open and protecting your walls from damage.


We provide a wide range of products to seal doors and windows with efficiency and high quality.

The solutions are designed to hold fences in all kinds of doors and windows providing the most effective and comprehensive barrier against weather, noise, draughts of air and insects.


Developed thinking of durability, strength and utility! Our line of Utilities are essential things that you need in daily life to ensure security, and comfort.

You can find Wireless Doorbells, Metal Hooks and other items to help with your home or business room.

Developed thinking of durability, strength and utility! Our line of Utilities are essential things that you need in daily life to ensure security, and comfort.

You can find Wireless Doorbells, Metal Hooks and other items to help with your home or business room.

Contact Us!

If you are interested in selling our products in your country, please contact Us!

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